Thursday, January 31, 2019

The Town

In The Town, Rebecca Hall stars as a bank teller whose bank gets robbed. The robbers order her to get on the floor and to take off her shoes.

Of course she does what they demand.

She's later taken hostage by the robbers who tie her wrists together in front of her and blindfold her.

She's released by a beach, still bound and blindfolded.

She stops walking when she reaches the water, which may be why they made her remove her shoes. The Town is a superb crime thriller that's set in Boston. Check it out.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Not her again!

Belle, my snooping Poser character, is in a heck of a quandary: she's not even snooping, having decided to take the day off to be with a friend. But despite her best efforts, Belle is still captured, and bound and gagged and blindfolded, and now her old enemy Lady Chandra shows up! It's getting so a snoop can't even get a break even on her day off.

You can see the excitement right here.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Discover Star Trek

You can watch the first episode of the second season of Star Trek: Discovery on the Tube of U at the link above. They've done this before with uploading the first episodes of TV series on YouTube, like Outlander and Outcast. But they don't keep these up for very long, so the sooner you view this, the better.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Phase IV

Phase IV is a science fiction film about a colony of ants in the American Southwest that become super-intelligent, and winds up attacking the residents in the area.

Lynne Frederick starred as a local farm girl who's rescued by a pair of scientists who're studying the ant invasion.

Frederick goes barefoot throughout the film.

Phase IV is a fantastic film overall. It's a deep, thoughtful rumination on sentience and a cool take on the alien invasion trope. Don't miss it.

Friday, January 25, 2019

The doctor is out (of his mind)

Criminal Minds is coming to an end. I read an article that the series' fifteenth season will be its last.

I can't say I'm surprised. Usually a TV show that runs ten years or more is ripe for the chopping block. But I will miss the intrepid crew of profilers as they race to save the damsel in distress of the week from the psycho of the week.

In this ninth season episode, To Bear Witness, Emily Podleski is the unfortunate victim of another psychopath.

He's got her straight-jacketed, her bare feet bound, and she's gagged and blindfolded with tape.

While it wasn't as sophisticated, nor as good, as similar shows of its ilk (like Netflix's Mindhunters), I'll still miss the old school, race-the-clock theatrics of Criminal Minds.

You can download the clip of this scene right here.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Netflix debuted another original movie this past weekend. It's called Close, and it stars Noomi Rapace (Prometheus), who plays a bad-ass operative named Sam who gets assigned to be the bodyguard for a spoiled rich girl named Zoe (Sophie Nélisse).

As you might guess, things go south as a team of kidnappers arrive to abduct Zoe, the heir to a vast mining fortune. But they don't count on Sam being there, and thus begins a nice, taut action thriller as Sam desperately tries to keep Zoe (as well as herself) alive.

From the very first, intensely gripping scene, Close grabbed me by the collar and dragged me along for an exciting ride. Noomi Rapace is superb in this film. I've always loved her as an actress since first seeing her in original Swedish The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo films.

Some notes for "those of us": both women get their hands tied at one point (they're fully dressed). This leads to a cool scene where Sam is still fighting her abductor even with her wrists bound behind her. And Zoe goes barefoot for a brief portion of the film. But aside from the stuff that's "for us" this is just a very well made thriller. Recommended.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

New Poser Picture

Leslie and Nell went for a nice little tropical vacation to the islands to get a change of pace from a cold, dreary winter. But their vacation becomes dreary when a drunken Nell commits sacrilege against a sacred totem, angering the native population of an entire village. Can you guess what happens next?

Find out right here.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

To The Devil, A Devil Dog

To The Devil, A Daughter was a really bad movie about devil worshipers that was made in the hopes of cashing in on the mid-70s devil movie craze that was started with The Exorcist.

It starred Christopher Lee as an excommunicated priest who, in these pictures, ties a barefoot woman down to a bed.

The woman was about to give birth in what winds up being a really gross scene.

Not quite the kind of delivery that Dr. Spock would recommend.

In another scene, a BF woman is tied down in spread-eagle fashion during a ritual.

Although these are BF scenes, they are shot very fleetingly, lasting only seconds of screen time. The film itself was a troubled production, and it showed on screen. The ending, with what's essentially a hand puppet, is very silly.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Snow Storm TV

My area is being blasted by a winter storm, with several feet of snow and ice, followed by flying monkeys, zombies, and a horde of French Poodles (trust me, it's a bad storm). So let's just stay indoors, make some mac and cheese, and watch Wonder Woman, shall we?

This clip is from the third season episode of WW called The Starships Are Coming. I did not clip this (I believe it was Sam, though I'm not sure). Lynda Carter is taken captive in her regular form as Diana Prince.

I realize she's not BF, but what I always loved about this scene is when Carter is being rescued by a guy who's something of a moron.

I simply LOVE the looks of exasperation on Carter's face when she tries to direct the guy's attention to the great big honking bomb that's on the table. The annoyed expression on her face in this scene is priceless.

Even if you're not being bombarded by snow (and flying monkeys) this is still fun to watch. You can download the clip right here.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

A poser picture (with more crazed 'bots)

Cally, the maintenance worker aboard an interstellar slumber ship, has another run in with the crazed robot. But shouldn't this 'bot have been stored away after Cally's last run-in with it? Find out what happens right here.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

I need to watch more German TV

In Hoerig bis zur letzten Suende, Christine Kuon (she's in the black panties) gets into a fight with another woman, and loses.

The other woman stuffs her mouth with a rag, then covers that with a OTM gag.

Christine manages to wake up and work off the gag. But she's still helplessly tied hand and foot.

Not a problem. Christine tries to call the phone while using one of her bound feet. I'd like to thank Dionin for originally posting this great clip on Brian's Page. When I saw it, this clip became an instant favorite of mine.

You can download the clip right here.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Spider-Man Far From Home trailer

So Spider-Man goes on a class trip with his fellow students to Europe, which is cool. It looks like Mysterio is the villain (or is he?) this time. Very nice. But something bugs me.

Spoilers for Avengers Infinity War below:

When we first see Spider-Man in A:IW, he was traveling in a school bus with his classmates. Was he coming back from another field trip with his class? Or was he coming back from this European trip? In other words, does the new Spider-Man film take place before the events of Avengers 3? I guess we'll finally find out this coming July.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Easy Green

In the second season episode of Acapulco Heat called Easy Green, Lydie Denier goes undercover with some gangsters.

While at the bad guy's house, she decides to do some snooping. The fact that she's barefoot and clad in a skimpy dress makes the snooping all the better.

She snoops and snoops...until, in the best tradition of all snoops, she gets caught.

I love the defiant look she has while sitting here in a confrontation with her captors.

She gets tied to a chair (hands bound only and no gag) and things look grim for Lydie.

Until she realizes that the chair she's sitting in is pretty flimsy--flimsy enough for her to break herself free from. This is one of my favorite episodes from this series, just for Lydie's scenes.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Bird Box

I finally saw Bird Box, and enjoyed it. Sandra Bullock starred in this post apocalyptic horror film about the human race coming under attack by horrific creatures that makes the person who sees them instantly kill him/herself.

When I heard this was going straight to Netflix, I was worried it might be a film of lesser quality that had been "dumped" there. But I was pleased to see that Bird Box, which is based on a book (which I haven't read) of the same name, is very well done with a great cast of actors.

While a lot of the story has no explanation (it's never really explained why the criminally insane are immune to the weird proceedings), I couldn't help but get caught up in Bullock's intense fight for survival all the way. There's nothing of interest here regarding any bondage or BF scenes, but those with a blindfold fetish may certainly enjoy this one.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Trials of a vampire

You think it's easy being a vampire? Just ask Lindy, who's trying to join a vampire coven, but not before she undergoes a deadly test, first. You can find out if she becomes a full-fledged coven member right here.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Time for another massage

The holidays may be over, but the stress remains. So it's time for another nice massage video. Sometimes watching someone get a massage is just as good (and relaxing) as getting one yourself.

And the massage therapist here even goes on at one point about how good it is for the feet to go barefoot as often as possible. I knew there was a good reason why I liked this woman. :)

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Bluish Blood

Nadia Gan stars in this first season episode of Blue Bloods (called Chinatown) where she is tied down to a medical table.

She's in for a not very pleasant procedure completely against her will.

Thankfully, she's saved by cops who barge into the examination room. This is a short clip (not clipped by me) but is still very nice and filled with action. You can download the clip right here.

Monday, January 7, 2019

The Doctor is in

Came across this nice picture of Jodie Whittaker, AKA the new Doctor Who, online recently and I just had to share it. I've only seen the first two episodes of her run as the good Doctor, but I really liked her. I want to see more of Jodie's take on the Doctor, but I'm waiting until her season is done so I can just get the whole thing and watch it at once.

This is the result of the 'Netflix Effect,' where I'm now used to watching an entire season within a weekend, thanks to Netflix 'dropping' the whole season all at once. I do the same thing with the CW Superhero shows; I just wait until their whole seasons show up on Netflix.

I realize that this is a First World problem, but the old-school 'one episode a week' method of watching TV now seems annoying to me.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Mr. Paradise

In the second season episode "Mr. Paradise," the dashing investigators of Acapulco Heat deal with a serial killer who manages to capture Cat (Alison Armitage) and puts her in a death trap. You don't see much of her bonds (and she's wearing shoes) but I liked the look she has in the above 'cap, so I included it.

Later in the episode, the homicidal whack-job captures a bevy of beauties and binds them with their hands above their heads. Several of them are barefoot.

The killer has set up a bomb that will go off--which the Acapulco Heat team has to defuse before they can even untie the girls.

I'm sure all of these ladies will have some harsh words for their travel agents once they get home (are travel agents even a thing these days?).

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Star Wars fan film

Shards of the Past is a fan-made Star Wars film that's just as good as some of the better SW movies. It takes place just after Revenge of the Sith, the third SW prequel film, when the Jedi Order has been wiped out by Darth Vader and the Emperor.

But just when he should be riding high in this time of victory, Vader is seething with rage and regret over Padme. The film does a good job at addressing a key plot point left over from the Prequels, and the production design (including creating a hallway on Naboo), along with the effects, are very well done.

As Vader himself might say, "Impressive." This is the first installment in what promises to be a series. Check it out.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Above and beyond

Mia the maid just loves working for Her Ladyship. So much so that when Her Ladyship is kidnapped, Mia happily goes along with her, so she can keep helping Her Ladyship no matter what happens. Find out just how much Mia enjoys her job in my latest Poser artwork, which you can see right here.