Monday, July 31, 2017

"You'll float too..."

We finally get to hear Pennywise (Bill Skarsgård) speak in this trailer, and when he did ("") it gave me chills. I enjoyed the 1990 miniseries that had Tim Curry as Pennywise. But I read the novel by Stephen King when it was first published, and I didn't appreciate the changes the TV miniseries made. I'm hoping this new version will do the book justice. If nothing else, I just hope it'll be a good scare.

On that note, my horror novel about a female cop fighting a cult is finally done. Now begins the formatting process. I should have this ready very soon, now. Hopefully by next weekend. Keep it here for the latest news.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Live Once, Die Twice

Kellie Martin and Cindy Sampson get taken aboard a boat in Live Once, Die Twice, one of those Lifetime movies where a wife (Martin) finds out that ALL IS NOT RIGHT with her husband. And how!

There's one other bondage scene earlier with Martin by herself, but I like this one better because both she and Sampson are barefoot. They're aboard the bad guy's boat, and he firmly believes in the old rule of removing your shoes before boarding. He's also a firm believer in duct tape, too.

You can watch/download it right here.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Anna the crusading reporter

There's another new Poser picture up on my DA page. It features the return of Anna the Crusading Reporter, a new recurring character I've created. Leave it to Anna to walk right into another trap set by that evil fiend, Doctor Macabre! You can see it right here.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

12 Feet Deep

I swear to God, I seriously thought this was a joke at first. I figured it was a fake "jokey" trailer, like something that would be released by Funny Or Die, or something like that. But, nope, this is an actual scary movie about two women who are trapped when someone rolls the pool cover over them while they're still in the pool.

Speaking of scary movies, I'm now working on the cover for my latest book, which is a horror novel. I'll post this here when it's done. The book itself is done and will be out very soon, now. Keep it here for the latest news.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Justice League new trailer

Fresh from its debut at Comic Con, here's the new Justice League trailer. These guys already had me with the first trailer ("shut up and take my money!"), and this new trailer just confirms the epic awesomeness that's to come. Heroes coming together to protect a world without hope during its most desperate hour! Oh, I can't wait.

I was just thinking, between the Justice League movie and the Avengers: Infinity War film that's coming out next year (not to mention all of the superhero TV shows), this is a great time to be a comic book fan.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Getting carried away

After a very long time, I've finally created another Poser picture of a captured vacationer being carried off into the deepest jungles while tied to a pole. You can see the new picture right here.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

She's a lady

Lady Terminator is a weird but fun Indonesian flick that was made back in the late 1980s. Despite the title, the lead character, played by Barbara Anne Constable, is possessed by the spirit of an evil queen, which gains her super strength and makes her invulnerable.

Taken while scuba diving, the heroine is tied down to a bed in spread-eagle fashion while a snake comes along and...well, "impregnates" her with the spirit of the evil queen. And that's when the murderous fun begins (like I said, it's a weird flick, but just silly enough to be enjoyable).

You can watch/download it right here.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Meet the new Doctor

If you don't want to be spoiled as to who the new Doctor Who is, then watch the official introduction video first, right up there. It's very well done. I'll wait.

Oh, hey, welcome back! After over fifty years the new Doctor is finally a woman. She will be played by Jodie Whittaker, who's been in the series Broadchurch (which starred David Tenant, a former Doctor Who, and was written and produced by Chris Chibnall, who is taking over the show-runner duties on the eleventh series of Doctor Who).

Whittaker has also been in Attack The Block (with John Boyega, who went on to play Fin in Star Wars: The Force Awakens), and Black Sea, with Jude Law. I really liked how they introduced her as the Doctor while in character in this short video. I'm really looking forward to seeing what she'll do with the part once her series properly begins.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Behind the scenes on The Last Jedi

They released this official behind the scenes look at The Last Jedi, the upcoming Star Wars film that will be released this coming December, and I'm as giddy as a Jawa in a junkyard.

One thing I like is how they keep emphasizing that Last Jedi will be a deeper, more complex look into the Star Wars universe. Bring it on! I can't wait to see this one.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Going Jedi on DA

I had an interesting idea for my latest Poser picture. Since I've already done a picture that's set in the Star Trek universe, why not do a Poser pic that's set in the Star Wars universe, now? Makes sense. You can see a scantily clad damsel being rescued by a Jedi knight right here.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Taking on a classic pop song

I am still deep into the second draft of the cult thriller, and it's going very well. It looks like I may have this ready for publication by late July/early August, which will be just in time for Halloween. Releasing it a couple of months before the holiday might be good for people who want something to help them get in the Halloween mood early.

In the mean time, I came across this really nice version of "Take On Me" that's performed in a more classic take. I love how fluidly the song still comes through.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Spider-Man: Homecoming

I managed to see Spider-Man: Homecoming recently, and enjoyed it very much. Like most people I was suffering from "Spider-Man fatigue", which was basically too many Spider-Man films in too short a time. Just when one version wrapped it up, a new version of Spidey popped up. Too much, too soon.

But Spider-Man: Homecoming doesn't bother retelling the origin story, which is an instant improvement of this version over the others. We've met this version of Peter Parker/Spidey back in Captain America: Civil War, and he's just as good here in his own film. Michael Keaton is superb as the Vulture, the film's villain, and the story was exciting without being a world-ending threat. A fun movie all around.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Of Sharks and Bondage

I recently saw 47 Meters Down, which is a shark movie starring Mandy Moore. It was silly (why would people go swimming in shark-infested waters in the first place is beyond me) but the female leads went barefoot for the better part of the film's running time. So there's that. But if only there was some bondage.

However, if you want a shark movie with plenty of bondage (no, not the shark getting tied up, the women), look no further than Furia Asesina, starring a bikini-clad Leticia Lozoya as the heroine who gets grabbed and tied up.

She doesn't get grabbed and tied up by the sharks (although that actually would be pretty cool). She gets grabbed by one of the bad guys in the film and trussed up aboard an abandoned ship.

I was thinking of this film all while watching 47 Meters Down, thinking how much better it would have been if Mandy Moore had been tied up--even if she had been tied up by a shark, it would have been more entertaining than what we got. Oh well, thank Neptune for Furia Asesina. You can watch/download it right here.

Friday, July 7, 2017

My latest Poser artwork

Lara Croft is captured, tied up...and hit up for a date? You can see the latest "peril" of Lara that's up on my Deviant Art page right here.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Big Badda Boom

Went back to work on the occult thriller that I'm writing, and it's going well. I found this video compilation of building implosions during a break. I posted one of these about a year ago, and I'm not sure if this is the same one (building implosions all look alike).

This video's been uploaded on July 5, just yesterday, but it could be a re-upload. But even if it is a re-upload...whatever, you know? I never get tired of seeing this stuff anyway.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Real life Wolverine claws

Since finishing the first draft of the new novel last week I've decided to take the long holiday weekend off before getting started on the second draft on Wednesday. That means I've been watching a lot of YouTube lately, which isn't really a bad thing if you find interesting stuff.

Like this gentleman with the real life Wolverine claws. What makes his claws different from any good Wolverine cosplayer? His claws actually spring out and retract, just like Hugh Jackman's character in every X-men movie over the (almost) last twenty years. When this dude wears a jacket, hiding the mechanism, it looks even better.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Jumanji once more

I've seen the original Jumanji movie, and enjoyed it. But I think a lot of my enjoyment of that film had to do with the presence of Robin Williams, who always managed to make everything he was in fun to watch.

This sequel/reboot/whatever is trying to recapture lightning in a bottle, only without Williams, and I wonder if it can succeed without him. The board game has been changed into a video game this time, and a group of teens have been turned into Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, Jack Black, and Karen Gillian as video game avatars.

I have my doubts, but I'll give it a chance. Who knows, it might be as charming as the first film. And I really like Gillian's outfit--or lack thereof. Speaking of women in scant outfits, watching this trailer has put me in the mood to write another Ryta adventure. So, if nothing else it's served as good inspiration. :)