Saturday, September 21, 2024

Happy Batman Day

Happy Batman Day. And this year it's a special one, with Batman being 85 years old, now.

These vidcaps are from an episode of Batman: The Animated Series, a true classic of its kind in many ways.

In Day of the Samurai, a first season episode of Batman: TAS, a young karate student (voiced by Julia Kato) is grabbed by a Ninja.

Having been kidnapped by the ninja from her karate school, she's barefoot throughout her captivity.

She's kept tied, as well.

But not her feet, which she uses to kick her captor at just the right time in order to help Batman.

Back when I had these 'caps on my old web site, I went through the trouble of drawing in a gag for the character when she was being held hostage at the ninja's lair.

I also drew in some bonds for her feet, too. Happy Batman Day to the Dark Knight, may he keep fighting crime for another 85 years.

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