Saturday, October 12, 2024

Screaming Dead Pt 1

The Screaming Dead is a horror movie that was released over twenty years ago. As a horror movie, it's so-so.

But as a movie with barefoot bondage scenes, it's great!

The concept is a group of paranormal investigators spend the night in a reportedly haunted (Spoiler: oh, it's haunted; it's really, really haunted!) mansion.

All of the women in this group find themselves getting cuffed by their ankles to their beds by the leader of the group. The reason: so they won't run away if/when they encounter the supernatural.

To say the women are ticked off by this is putting it mildly.

But the heroic manly-man hero saves them all when one of the bound and helpless women panics in the face of a ghostly encounter. More to come.

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