Saturday, April 30, 2022

The Batman

I managed to finally see The Batman (on HBO-Max), and really enjoyed it very much. I wasn't sure if I really needed another cinematic incarnation of the Dark Knight, but director Matt Reeves does such an outstanding job at presenting this story, making it so gripping and enthralling to watch, that its three hour running time flew by for me like...well, a bat. Robert Pattinson is superb as both a young Bruce Wayne and his darker incarnation. And the new Batsuit is also very well done, looking both impressive and practical at the same time.

I also thought Zoë Kravitz was very good as Catwoman (despite the film never actually calling her by that name). And Colin Farrell's performance as the Penguin was simply mind-blowing. While Batman does hand-gag Catwoman at one point about halfway through the film, there's really nothing of interest in The Batman for fans of BF bondage. But speaking strictly as a major Bat-fan, I really loved this take on The Batman, and eagerly look forward to the sequel.

Friday, April 29, 2022


This isn't the Canadian SF/Horror TV show with Amanda Tapping, but a German-produced series that was also known as Himmelsdalen.

Josefin Asplund stars as a woman who's caught in the lock-down of a clinic. Twice in this episode, The Lord Giveth, and the Lord Taketh Away, she's a hog-tied captive.

The second time, she's hogtied while barefoot.

A very nice clip (from Abductor 88) of a very nice scene, especially the BF portion of it. You can see it right here.

Thursday, April 28, 2022


Charlotte Ayanna stars in Jawbreaker, where she's abducted from her bed by a gang of kidnappers.

But it turns out that she's being "kidnapped" by her friends on her birthday as a prank.

But while this may just be a prank, the tying up and gagging is all too real.

She's gagged with a piece of jawbreaker candy being shoved into her mouth and then covered with tape.

She gets tied and gagged completely on screen.

And there are some nice shots of her bare feet getting tied.

Unfortunately, she winds up choking to death on the Jawbreaker, and now her friends have a body--along with a murder--that they must deal with.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Creech and Me

Uh-oh! Kay had tried to save the Creature from being abducted by an evil expedition, only to wind up being captured herself, as well! To find out what happened to our heroes from the Black lagoon, just look here.

Note: the picture I used here is from The Creature From The Black Lagoon.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Happy Alien Day

Happy Alien Day! It's April 26. Four Twenty Six, which is the name of the planet in the first two (and some would say best) Alien films.

Although it wouldn't technically be named LV-426 until Aliens, it's still the same planet that was discovered in the first Alien film.

These vidcaps are from Alien: Resurrection, the fourth Alien film starring Sigourney Weaver as Ellen Ripley (although there's a catch here--she's a clone of the original Ripley).

She's already medically bound for an examination, but still proves to be a handful.

I mean, she's REALLY a handful!

As a result, Ripley is bound tighter, with her bare feet bound this time. And even with the extra bondage, the scientist still keeps a safe distance from her. Smart.

Monday, April 25, 2022

Soap Level Baddie

These two nice ladies are just minding their own business in an apartment when a third woman shows up and knocks them out.

She then tied them to chairs back to back and then sets up a Rube Goldberg-type device that will explode while the bound and gagged ladies helplessly watch.

Can you imagine having an enemy who hates you so much they pull shit like this? Geez, did the redhead here forgot to bring back the plates that she borrowed, or what? Maybe the villainess needs to just take a walkin the woods, or something.

Speaking of the redhead, she's the one who's tied up barefoot. You can see this clip right here.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

The Island of Dr. Moreau

Island of Lost Souls was remade in 1977 into The Island of Dr. Moreau, with Burt Lancaster and Michael York in the lead roles.

The remake also starred Barbara Carrera, as Maria, the ward of Dr. Moreau.

At one point in the film, the characters decide to have a swanky dinner where they dress up, including Maria--only Maria still goes barefoot.

When I saw this in the theater as a kid, I thought The Island of Dr. Moreau wasn't very good. The original Island of Lost Souls was still far better (and still is).

But then, as now, the sight of Maria sans shoes made this flick watchable for me.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

An Unsual Day

An Unusual Day is a short Hindi thriller (it's in Hindi, with English subtitles), about a (barefoot) saleswoman who visits an artist in his home.

But it's quickly shown that neither the saleswoman nor the artist are who they claim to be. The saleswoman turns out to be a con artist who steals from her victims once she knocks them out.

And the saleswoman finds out--too late--that the artist is really in the slave trade, with a group of captured women in his back room ready to go to the port.

And guess who's joining them? This is an effective little thriller, with some good BF moments. You can see the whole film here.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Never Goin' Back

I saw a movie recently called Never Goin' Back.

It's a slice of life movie about two young women who live in Texas, and the challenges that they face.

One of which involves waking up with your best friend having drawn a penis on your face.

Which results in a nice early morning tickle fight. It's also a good BF scene.

Later, the girls get arrested for having drugs in their possession.

They're both handcuffed.

And then, while cuffed, they're given the perp walk towards the squad car.

They're wearing shoes while cuffed. Never Goin' Back is an entertaining film (but it's not for children) that well worth a watch.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Change of Bonds

The ladies of my latest Poser picture are determined not to be captives, and so they make an escape attempt. Find out what happens right here.

Note: the picture I used here is from Bimini Code.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

The Informer

Ana de Armas stars in The Informer as a woman who's captured by the mob (along with her daughter, played by Karma Meyer) as revenge against her husband.

She's barefoot when she's bound with zip ties (or plastic ties) and she's also cleaved gagged.

When an ally of her husband's tries to rescue them, one of her kidnappers shoots him down. And the scumbag even uses the still-tied daugher as a shield.

That's when Ana decides its time to take matters into her own hands.

Placing her bound bare feet on the floor, she tries to work herself loose of her bonds, which is easier said than done.

Ana de Armas has become one of my favorite actresses in the past few years, thanks to her performances in some great movies (Blade Runner 2049, Knives Out, No Time To Die), so it was especially nice to see her in a good BF bondage scene like this, which you can see right here.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Various & Sundry

Thought it was time for another Various & Sundry update.

It's when I post a small collection of BF women photos that I've collected from the inner-net.

Just a series of beautiful women sans shoes.

Whether they're on the beach, or off it, at work, or at home. It doesn't matter where they are, or what they're doing.

It's just a celebration of the BF lifestyle, as seen from the female perspective.

It's a lifestyle that's casual, relaxed, and fun. Which are three things that all of us need to keep in our lives in order to stay sane in these crazy times.