I managed to finally see The Batman (on HBO-Max), and really enjoyed it very much. I wasn't sure if I really needed another cinematic incarnation of the Dark Knight, but director Matt Reeves does such an outstanding job at presenting this story, making it so gripping and enthralling to watch, that its three hour running time flew by for me like...well, a bat. Robert Pattinson is superb as both a young Bruce Wayne and his darker incarnation. And the new Batsuit is also very well done, looking both impressive and practical at the same time.
I also thought Zoë Kravitz was very good as Catwoman (despite the film never actually calling her by that name). And Colin Farrell's performance as the Penguin was simply mind-blowing. While Batman does hand-gag Catwoman at one point about halfway through the film, there's really nothing of interest in The Batman for fans of BF bondage. But speaking strictly as a major Bat-fan, I really loved this take on The Batman, and eagerly look forward to the sequel.