Friday, June 21, 2024

Funny Games (remake)

Naomi Watts stars in the 2007 remake of Funny Games, a home invasion story with a weird twist.

At one point, Watts is barefoot and clad only in her underwear while she gets her feet tied by one of the home invaders--both of whom look like they just played hooky from prep school.

She gets her feet tied right onscreen, in a wonderful scene where she twists and writhes on the sofa while her ankles are tightly tied.

She even goes hopping over to her husband, played by Tim Roth (and who's not bound) to see if he can get her free.

But their attempt to free Watts is stopped by one of the baddies.

Watts even tries to plead with one of the baddies, while still tied hand and foot, but she's wasting her time.

This is one of the best BF bondage scenes out there, but it's contained within a really nasty, nihilistic film that has a real bummer of an ending. The original Funny Games was just like this, with its lead actress Susanne Lothar also tied up barefoot; the remake with Watts is basically a shot for shot recreation.

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