Friday, May 31, 2024

James Bond Land?

As Universal Studios is getting close to finishing up the latest addition to its theme park in Florida, I've been thinking about James Bond. The Bond film series, which has spanned over 60 years, has had its share of merchandise (and it felt like I've bought my fair share of it over the years).

I've wondered what it would be like to have a James Bond theme park. There would be plenty of thrilling rides, for sure. There's plenty of inspiration to draw from the stunts seen in the films.

Could there even be a section of the Bond theme park where visitors could see Bond Girls wandering around, just like the Disney Princesses in Disney World/Land?

And maybe, some of these Bond Girls could be...oh, let's say...tied up in scenes from the Bond movies, like Domino (Claudine Auger) as seen here from Thunderball?

Yeah...maybe not. As much as I'd like to see a live performance of this scene presented in a James Bond theme park, it's pretty likely that such a thing--both the theme park, or the re-created scene--will never happen.

At least we've got this wonderful BF bondage scene recorded on film, to be enjoyed whenever we want.

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