Tuesday, May 3, 2022

The Colony

There's a really very good science fiction movie called The Colony that you should see. It stars Nora Arnezeder as an astronaunt from an Earth Colony who heads back to the mother planet to see how things are.

After crash-landing, she's taken captive by a group of humans who live near (actually on) the water. She's kept in an underground jail cell, until high tide comes in.

She's removed from her flooded cell and is tied to a pole, hands behind her back, on board a barge.

It's a very nice scene in a fantastic movie, one that reminds me slightly of Planet of the Apes, in how astronaunts return to a fucked up Earth (in this case, pollution nearly killed all life on the planet).

In addition to the bondage, Nora Arnezeder also goes barefoot for a good portion of the film, as well.If you're looking for a different type of SF film, give The Colony a shot.

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