Tuesday, March 11, 2025


Slip is a 2006 horror movie starring Jill Small. At the climax of this film, Jill's fall into the clutches of a serial killer.

The killer tied Jill's wrists together behind her back, and then puts a noose around her neck.

But the killer has Jill standing tip-toe on a chair the whole time. The slightest slip ofher toes will result in her being hung.

Although she's not gagged, and nor are her feet tied, Jill is barefoot throughout this scene.

There's a good shot or two of Jill's bound hands.

And there's a bevy of really nice foot shots, as well.

In fact, watching all of these foot shots has made me wonder if the director is 'one of us,' aka a barefooter.

And Jill even gets rid of the bad guy with her feet. Bravo! Don't let Slip slip on by you.

Monday, March 10, 2025

I.T. Once More!

These are shots from a movie called I.T. Not the horror movies based off of the Stephen King book, IT. This is I.T. (with periods).

I've made the mistake of wanting to see I.T., but found myself reaching for the IT DVD because the names are so simular at a casual glance.

But, getting back on topic, I.T. is a 2016 thriller starring Pierce Brosnan, who's dealing with a stalker.

Eventually, the stalker abducts his wife and daughter, played by Anna Friel and Stefanie Scott right in their own home.

The women are barefoot, scantily-clad and bound with zip ties and gagged with tape.

The tied women meekly watch while Brosnan matched wits--both mentally and physically--with the baddie. They wind up being rescued.

This scene is very darkly lit in the movie. I had to brighten these vidcaps considerably just to be able to see anything.

This last shot is a publicity photo from the scene. It's probably the best one of all of them in how it's lit and staged. I've found a clip of this scene that has been considerably brightened by whomever clipped it, You can see this right here.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

The Living Idol

This is a scene from the movie The Living Idol.

The actress who's tied to this rig is Liliane Montevecchi.

This movie was released back in 1957. A man thinks that a woman living in the present day is the reincarnation of an Aztec princess.

Liliane may well be that girl, whether she likes it or not!

Here's a publicity shot, showing more bondage and costume detail.

And the image was even used to sell the novel that was based on the movie.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

MI4: Ghost Protocol

I think Ghost Proctocol remains my favorite of the Mission Impossible movies with Tom Cruise.

It might have something to do with the scene with Paula Patton, who goes sans shoes.

Patton's character even gets into a nice fight with a female assassin (played by future Bond girl Léa Seydoux), and they are both barefoot.

Look out, she's got a gun!

Can you guess who wins? I re-watched Ghost Protocol recently, and I still highly recommend it. It's got these nice BF scenes, but it remains the best of the MI film series (for me, at least).

Friday, March 7, 2025


The film Paranoid has Jessica Alba handcuffed to the head of a bed in the basement of an inn.

Looks like this scene proves that she had very good reason to be paranoid, eh?

Nothing like being cuffed to a bed to show that they are really after you!

But while Alba's wrists are cuffed to the head of the bed, her bare feet are left free, and she uses them in a wonderful scene to reach for her cell phone.

She manages to grab the phone and pull it out of her purse with her feet.

She even gets the phone working and tries calling for help.

While her feet aren't tied and there's no gag, Alba still spends the better part of the film's running time cuffed barefoot to the bed. Her character survives her ordeal.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Bimini Code Pt2

And now, the good stuff of Bimini Code (at least for me).

Vickie Benson plays the other half of the women's scuba team that's battling crime and whatnot.

She gets captured while diving around an underwater base, where they are holding a young boy captive.

Vickie wastes no time in getting herself free.

There's a nice scene of her untying her bound bare feet.

And what's really nice about it is that it lasts a very long time.

The fact that she's tied up while barefoot and in a bikini makes this such a keeper for me.

And you can see it right here.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Night Wings

The heroine of my latest Poser picture is helplessly waiting some the children to arrive, only to find out they already have! See the horror for yourself right here.

Note: the picture is from the TV series Alcatraz.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Bimini Code Pt1

Bimini Code is an action film about a pair of women scuba divers who are out to stop a conspiracy of...something. I'm not really sure.

All you have to really know is that Bimini Code is an extremely inept flick with a pair of very nice scenes.

First up, Kristal Richardson gets caught while she goes snooping.

She doesn't just get tied to a chair, she gets handcuffed and shackled to it.

And then, somehow, she slips her wrists out of the cuffs.

Getting her feet loose takes a bit more work, but no problem--Kristal is soon free. Up next: my all-time fave bondage scene.

Monday, March 3, 2025

A Barefoot Tour

Here's a nice one, with a woman giving us a tour of a boat that's for sale. And she's barefoot throughout the video. Her husband/boyfriend steps in for a few scenes, but the BF woman is in the majority of the video. Makes me want to go shopping for a boat, just to get a tour from a BF woman like this (even though I can't even afford to buy a rowboat right now).

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Olympus Pt3

In the episode Minos, Ariadne (Sophia Lauchlin Hirt), the daughter of King Minos, is taken captive in her own tent.

The hero, Hero, ties her down to her bed hand and foot.

It should be noted that Ariadne is an extremely willing captive, allowing herself to be tied down as part of a kinky sex game that Hero has suggested she play.

It's only when she gets gagged that Ariadne begins to realize that she's being tied up for real.

Happy Tenth Anniversary, Olympus! Thanks for all of the barefoot bondage goodness.