Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Premature Burial

We lost Roger Corman recently. He was a giant in the independent film scane, having produced and or directed dozens of films. He also gave many other directors their first shot.

One of the films that Roger directed was The Premature Burial, a horror film that starred Ray Milland. Milland plays a rich nobleman in the 19th century who has a debilitating fear of being buried alive (which was a real problem at the time).

Milland's character has actually been buried alive, but was rescued by grave diggers.

Ray comes back for revenge against his wife, played by Hazel Court, whom he knows was involved in the plot.

Hazel is barefoot, and clad in a nightgown when she is captured.

Bound hand and foot, Hazel is placed in an opened grave, ready to be buried alive. This turns out to be a very nice BF bondage scene.

Thankfully Hazel is rescued before anything really bad can happen to her. RIP, Roger, and thanks for all the memories.

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