
Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Shadow Puppets

I've noticed that Shadow Puppets is on Amazon Prime (the US version).

Released in 2007, Shadow Puppets is a fun B-movie about a group of people who wake up in what appears to be a mental insitution.

It stars Jolene Blalock, who played the Vulcan sub-commander on Star Trek: Enterprise. And she--along with the rest of the cast--spend the entire movie barefoot and clad in her underwear.

It's a mystery at first why they were all knocked out, and then woke up separately in padded cells, but it's a mystery that's slowly answered over the course of the film.

The revelation is a little lame, IMHO. But that's just my opinion. Besides, any movie that offers up this much BF scenes can't be all that bad, anyway.

Even when they find lab coats to wear, they still go BF.

And there's even a bondage scene here, such as when actress Jennie Ford is discovered in a straightjacket and gagged in her cell.

So you've got a halfway decent SF/horror B-movie with plenty of BF scenes, as well as a BF bondage moment, and it's playing on Amazon Prime (US). Catch it if you can.

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