
Saturday, July 31, 2021

Summer-Themed Horror 2

The second movie in our Summer-Themed Horror films is also a good movie for Shark Week. It's 47 Meters Down: Uncaged.

Like the original 47 Meters Down, Uncaged has its female cast go diving underwater in scuba gear--but without flippers, basically allowing them to go BF throughout the film.

But unlike the original film, which had two BF divers, Uncaged has far more of them.

This means Uncaged offers a lot more BF shots on top of the excitement of dealing with sharks in close quarters.

They're diving on submerged temple ruins located within underground tunnels, which are also submerged--making this a pretty cramped movie.

The movie also stars Brec Bassinger, who would later go on to star as the lead in the TV series Stargirl. Bassinger doesn't go diving, though. She also doesn't have any BF scenes here. She goes against her later superhero stardom by playing a bully in Uncaged.

I'd recommend watching both 47 Meters and Uncaged back to back for some fine Shark Week, BF women summer horror. But if you can only watch one BF women vs sharks flick, Uncaged is the better choice.

Friday, July 30, 2021

Wrong place, wrong time

The heroine of my latest Poser picture wakes up to a very nasty surprise. Can you guess what it is? Hint: it involves ropes. Find out what happens right here.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Beloved Nurses

Geliebte Schwestern, or Beloved Nurses, was a soap opera about...well...nurses. And as you can see here, these nurses have their fair share of excitment.

Mareike Fell plays the poor woman who's tied to the bath tub. Helga Bellinghausen plays the evil vixen who plots this watery revenge on Fell--after Fell disrupted her evil plans.

This is a great BF bondage scene, with Fell's bound feet nicely displayed in a scene that's brightly lit and crystal clear.

And Bellinghausen's nasty taunting is really the icing on the cake. You can see this scene right here.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

The Hobbit

I've re-watched The Hobbit films recently, and there's something that I noticed in the third one, the Battle of the Five Armies.

Galadriel, played by Cate Blanchett, goes barefoot during one of the battle scenes.

It's the fight scene to rescue a captured Gandalf from a mysterious evil wizard. And she's sans shoes throughout the entire scene.

Of course, we know exactly who this evil wizard really is, don't we? But they won't deal directly with him until The Lord of the Rings.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021


I've just discovered that cartoonist Richard Sala had passed away last year from a heart attack. I'm very sorry to hear this, because Sala wrote and drew one of my favorite graphic novels, Peculia, which features a plucky barefoot snoop who keeps getting into trouble.

She even gets captured while snooping and tied up. Sala's style was like the Addams Family meets The Perils of (Barefoot) Pauline. The graphic novel Pecilia is a collection of stories from the comic book series Evil Eye, and is highly recommended.

Monday, July 26, 2021

Summer-Themed Horror

Sometimes, while within the depths of summer, I'll look forward to Halloween (along with the cooler weather of Fall).

I'll start watching more horror movies to try and get that Halloween vibe. But, wanting to save the classics for the Halloween season, I'll try and watch other horror movies, using a theme.

Since it's summer, my theme is horror movies that take place during the hot and sweaty season.

One good movie for this theme is There's Nothing Out There.

While there's no bondage, the female cast go barefoot for the better part of the film's running time. And Bonnie Bowers is not only BF but clad in a bikini for the entire final third of the film.

There's Nothing Out There is more of a comedy, trying to send up the conventions of the horror genre (a few years before the first Scream did). And it's very funny.

It's also a great BF flick that's thirty years old this year.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Creatures the World Forgot

Hammer films was best known for their horror movies featuring Christopher Lee as Dracula. But they also made this 'crazy as a loon' caveman flick. To say that the women in this film all go barefoot all the time is putting it mildly.

But as if that wasn't enough, we even get a BF bondage scene here with Julie Ege.

She's tied spread-eagle on a rock, ready to be sacrificed. Is this the very first ritualistic sacrifice in history?

If it is, then this cult might want to work on their membership drives, since they only have one guy fighting off Ege's boyfriend, here.

This movie is extremely goofy, overall. They obviously didn't consult with any experts; they just had a bunch of half naked people running around hysterically.

And is that such a bad thing, when you wind up with a scene like this?

Saturday, July 24, 2021


This is one of my favorites. It's taken from the thrid episode of the TV series Éternelle.

The tied up and gagged actress is Claire Keim. And she's quickly rescued in this single shot scene with a camera swirling around her, nicely showing her BF bondage from every angle.

And despite it being brief, just thirty five seconds, it's still a great scene. The "discovery of the tied damsel" scene can be very nice if it's done well, as it is with this scene.

You can see this clip right here.

Friday, July 23, 2021

Where am I?

Athena, the heroine of my latest Poser picture, wakes up to find herself bound, gagged, and half naked in a strange place. Where is she? That's a good question. You can see this pic right here.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Battlestar Galactica

One of my all-time favorite TV shows is the Battlestar Galactica remake that originally aired on the Sci-Fi Channel starting almost twenty years ago.

There was a storyline where one of the Cylons had been captured by the crew of the Battlestar Pegasus. In the series, when she's first discovered, the Cylon had been brutalized by torture.

But these shots of her are from the movie BSG: Razor, when she's first been captured aboard the Pegasus--shortly before she's greeted by her captor/tormentor. Razor is fantastic, and BSG is highly recommended overall.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021


There's a movie called Flavia the Heretic (Flavia, la monaca musulmana) that was released back in 1974.

It's basically one long torture scene flick, showing nuns in situations that they really shouldn't be in.

The nuns are all barefoot during these scenes.

Flavia is a woman who was sent to be tortured by the nuns because she dared to love the wrong man.

At one point, the convent gets invaded and there's a change of management. Flavia, siding with the invaders, winds up torturing her former tormentors.

Several of the nuns are tied to wooden crosses.

But my favorite scene in the whole film is when a woman is getting tied to a tree. There's a nice scene of her bare foot being tied down to the ground.It includes some good detail shots of her ankles getting bound.

It's one of my favorite BF bondage shots, but I'm not really crazy about the film, overall.

While I've always loved BF bondage, I've never cared for torture, and these scenes were just a bit much for me. But That BF tie-down scene is a real gem.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Gossip Girl

Michelle Trachtenberg, who I will always fondly remember as Dawn, from Buffy The Vampire Slayer, also appeared in Gossip Girl after BTVS ended.

I don't remember exactly what episode this was from, but Trachtenberg obviously went BF on Gossip Girl from time to time.

I was never really a big fan of this series, but at least it had its stars go sans shoes.