
Sunday, July 25, 2021

Creatures the World Forgot

Hammer films was best known for their horror movies featuring Christopher Lee as Dracula. But they also made this 'crazy as a loon' caveman flick. To say that the women in this film all go barefoot all the time is putting it mildly.

But as if that wasn't enough, we even get a BF bondage scene here with Julie Ege.

She's tied spread-eagle on a rock, ready to be sacrificed. Is this the very first ritualistic sacrifice in history?

If it is, then this cult might want to work on their membership drives, since they only have one guy fighting off Ege's boyfriend, here.

This movie is extremely goofy, overall. They obviously didn't consult with any experts; they just had a bunch of half naked people running around hysterically.

And is that such a bad thing, when you wind up with a scene like this?

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