
Wednesday, July 21, 2021


There's a movie called Flavia the Heretic (Flavia, la monaca musulmana) that was released back in 1974.

It's basically one long torture scene flick, showing nuns in situations that they really shouldn't be in.

The nuns are all barefoot during these scenes.

Flavia is a woman who was sent to be tortured by the nuns because she dared to love the wrong man.

At one point, the convent gets invaded and there's a change of management. Flavia, siding with the invaders, winds up torturing her former tormentors.

Several of the nuns are tied to wooden crosses.

But my favorite scene in the whole film is when a woman is getting tied to a tree. There's a nice scene of her bare foot being tied down to the ground.It includes some good detail shots of her ankles getting bound.

It's one of my favorite BF bondage shots, but I'm not really crazy about the film, overall.

While I've always loved BF bondage, I've never cared for torture, and these scenes were just a bit much for me. But That BF tie-down scene is a real gem.

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