
Thursday, March 14, 2019

Death Proof

Death Proof was a thriller that was directed by Quentin Tarantino, which starred Kurt Russell.

It was about a psycho (Russell) who liked to kill women with car crashes. His car was tricked out so that only he would survive the collision (usually with another car).

As much as of a fan as I am of his work, I actually thought Death Proof wasn't one of Tarantino's best films.

It's a very chatty movie, with plenty of scenes of people talking to each other and at each other.

And the real action doesn't start until about mid-way through the flick.

But it *IS* a Quentin Tarantino movie.

Which means there are plenty of barefoot scenes featuring women. Leave it to Quentin to make even one of his lesser movies still watchable.

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