
Monday, September 17, 2018

40 Years of Battlestar Galactica

Forty years ago today, Battlestar Galactica aired for the very first time with a three hour episode (that got interrupted by a news report about a potential peace treaty in the Mid-East--at least that was what happened when I first watched it as a kid).

It had its silly moments, but the series also had an truly epic feel to it that most series of that time lacked--including such mind-bending concepts (for a young boy like me then) like the death of an entire civilization. It had world-building (or, in this case, world-destroying) on a scale that was only seen up to that point in Star Trek.

It also had Flight Corporal Rigel, whom I had a major crush on when I was a kid. Seen fleetingly from time to time as she announced departures and arrivals of Vipers from and to the flight bays, Rigel--played by Sarah Rush--was my goddess of the spaceways (and still is).

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