
Saturday, March 31, 2018

Sometimes shorter is better

This is from an Indian production that shows a barefoot damsel struggling (and succeeding) to get free. I like bondage clips from movies and TV shows in India because there's a good chance the damsel will be barefoot.

I also don't mind shorter clips, like this one. It's only forty seconds, at most, but it offers a lot in its brief running time. Direct, and right to the point, just how I like it. You can see/download this clip right here.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Shark Night

Hey, everybody, it's Shark Night! This was a cheesy but fun horror thriller about a bunch of sharks attacking people in a lake.

How did the sharks get in the lake? Well, that's a result of some weird machinations from some evil-doers.

Why would anybody put sharks in a lake? Who the hell knows. All I care about is that Shark Night is filled with barefoot scenes, with the actresses going barefoot for the better part of the film's running time.

This takes place in Louisiana bayou country, which also gives the actresses an excuse to wear bikinis and short-shorts.

It even has scenes of danger, as scantily-clad damsels are offered to the sharks as if they were really big bait.

But all is well that ends well, as safety precautions are all carefully watched over by rescue ranger dogs.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

New Poser picture

Another of my female snoops has gotten in over her head when she discovers where a kidnapped princess is, only to be kidnapped herself! Don't snoop, kids, it's dangerous! You can discover the dangers of snooping for yourself right you can find it right here.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Peterson Car

I came across this clip from the clipper Zahir, who gives us this nice scene from a Spanish language production. A young barefoot woman, seemingly clad only in a robe, is bound hand and foot on a bed. She's gagged by stuffing a balled up cloth in her mouth.

As the scene goes on the younger bound damsel is joined in bondage by an older woman (who was interacting with her earlier).

Both bound damsels are barefoot. Nice scene. You can see/download it here.

Monday, March 26, 2018

The Spy Who Dumped Me

The Spy Who Dumped Me (the title being a nod to one of my favorite James Bond films, The Spy Who Loved Me) is obviously another spy spoof where an innocent person is mistaken for a spy and then has to suffer through an adventure.

I've used this basic plot in one of my non-Ryta books, The Perils of Cynthia, so I guess I shouldn't make too much fun of the filmmakers, since I'm just as guilty of doing this as well.

Still, it looks like it might be a lot of fun. I was laughing at the bit where they were driving the car too slowly (and "crashed"). And we even have a bondage scene with Mila Kunis and Kate McKinnon to boot. What's not to love?

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Brigade des Moeurs -- now cleaned up!

Brigade des Moeurs was clip that I posted some time ago, but I recently came across a brighter, cleaner version, thanks to a clipper.

In addition to having some nice bondage with the stripped down damsel, this also has one of the goofiest, over-the-top villains I've ever seen anywhere. You can see/download it here.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Wonder Woman kicks off her shoes

My love for the Gal Godot Wonder Woman film is well known. But I also love another version of WW that was released as an animated film back ten years ago.

Keri Russell (The Americans, Felicity) voices Wonder Woman, with Nathan Fillion (Mal from Firefly) voicing Steven Trevor.

At one point in the animated WW, she gets into a fight with a super-powered being. Since Wonder Woman was out on a date with Steve when trouble starts, she kicks off her heels and joins the battle barefoot.

Eventually she strips off the dress, revealing her WW outfit underneath. She doesn't spin around to change, like Linda Carter's WW did. The animated Wonder Woman has her outfit under her dress.

The battle's quite long, running about five minutes, and throughout it all Wonder Woman is barefoot.

And there are moments in the battle where it almost feels like it was "made for us" if you know what I mean.

This fight scene is very well done, very kinetic and fast-paced. The movie itself is superb, making this my third favorite version of this character, after Linda Carter and Gal Godot.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

New Poser picture on Deviant Art

A young woman meets the man of her dreams while trussed up on a platform in the middle of the jungle. And did I mention that the "man of her dreams" has gills? You won't find this encounter on Tinder--nope, you can find it right here.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018


I managed to see Annihilation before it crept out out of theaters, and I loved it. Natalie Portman (Luke & Leia's mom in the Star Wars prequels; Thor's girlfriend Jane in the first two Thor flicks) stars as a scientist who volunteers to investigate a strange scientific anomaly that occurs when a meteorite strikes the Earth. The area where it hits is transformed into a weird, otherworldly landscape.

The movie is intelligent, and exciting--and that's even without the bondage scene with three of the lead actresses. They're tied to chairs, fully clothed (that includes shoes) and gagged with over the mouth cloths. It's a nice scene for fans of this stuff (like me), but it's also very scary and suspenseful within the context of the movie as well.

The movie overall is an extremely enjoyable hard SF story (mixed with horror elements) with a mind-bending finale that makes me want to see it again. Highly recommended.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Damned If You Do

In the episode "Damned If You Do" Erin Richards appears strapped to a hand truck--along with a group of men--as their keeper (James Frain, who played Serek on Star Trek: Discovery) makes a little speech.

Richards is the only woman in the group, and she's the only barefoot prisoner.

I don't watch Gotham, because it's sort of like Smallville, where it deals with a superhero's story without actually having the hero. But I might reconsider if Miss Richards gets more scenes like this. You can see/download it here.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Tied to the Past

A young woman gets abducted and tied to a chair. She's being held for ransom, but then something funny happens. A cute short film that's played for laughs, and it works pretty well. I enjoyed it.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Marvel's The Avengers

The second trailer for Avengers: Infinity War has dropped (you hear that dropping sound?), and I'm very excited to see it. But it's got me thinking about the first Avengers film, which came out over five years ago, and had a nice scene with Scarlett Johansson barefoot (at least technically; she's wearing hose) and tied to a chair.

But it also had a really nice scene of Gwyneth Paltrow as Pepper Potts walking around barefoot in the new skyscraper that Tony Stark built in the middle of New York City.

It's short but sweet, featuring Pepper joking and conversing with Tony and then with Agent Coulson. She looks great, and I am indebted to director Joss Whedon for this little scene. It was a nice icing-on-the-cake moment from a great movie.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

New Poser picture on DA

A professional kidnapper comes across a quandary when he meets up with the coach of the swimmer he's been hired to abduct. What does he do? Abduct them both! You can see the result right here.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Stephen Hawking, RIP

A giant has left us today. Stephen Hawking, the astrophysicist who made the universe so much more understandable for many of us, passed away today at age 76.

I read his bestselling book, A Brief History Of Time, back when it first came out, and it really helped to illuminate the way for me concerning science and the cosmos. I don't claim to be anywhere near as knowledgeable as he was, but Hawking made it easier for me to understand some pretty big concepts. RIP, sir.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Whoever gets tied in Vegas, stays in Vegas

One of the best bondage scenes in recent TV history happened on a show called Las Vegas. In the episode "Heroes" (4.17), Vanessa Marcil is the tied up (or taped up) victim

She meets with a creepy guy for dinner who drugs her drink. And when she wakes up Marcil finds herself all taped up and gagged inside of a trunk.

After getting herself out of the trunk, it becomes a long, drawn-out struggle for Marcil to get across the floor to a phone, which she almost manages to make a call on before being stopped by the wacko.

Marcil is barefoot throughout this entire scene, and it's one of my favorites because of that. You can see/download it here.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

10 Cloverfield Lane

Mary Elizabeth Winstead stars in this science fiction/thriller as a young woman who finds herself in a bunker with two other survivors of a worldwide catastrophe.

Winstead goes barefoot throughout the whole time she spends in the bunker, which is the entire film's running time.

There are even scenes with her finding clues by stepping on them with her bare feet.

There are also plenty of moments with her just hanging out.

In addition to having its heroine go barefoot for the better part of its running time, 10 Cloverfield Lane is a fantastic movie in its own right. A solid, gripping thriller with plenty of paranoia. For SF fans as well as foot lovers--it's got something for everybody. Be sure to catch it.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Just hanging in the hammock

This is one of the most relaxing videos around. If you can't get a massage, then at least watch somebody else get one, like this. It'll put you in a nice, calm mood. It works for me.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

New Poser picture

A college student looking for some extra credit after class gets more than she bargains for in my latest Poser picture. Be wary of studying the occult, even in school! You can see it right here.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The latest Ryta book

I finished the first draft of the new Ryta book today. I still have to do a second draft rewrite/edit on it, but the hard part, creating something from nothing, is done. I'm going to try and have this ready for sale either by the end of this month, or early April at the latest. Stay tuned here for more info (like a title for the book) as it arrives.

If you've never heard of the Ryta the Jungle Girl series, you can get the first book right here.

Ninja tied

One of my favorite films in the last ten years is Ninja, a little-known action flick about...well, Ninjas. Mika Hijii stars as the female lead, the hero's girlfriend who's just as good a martial arts fighter as he is.

Alas, she still gets captured by the bad guy and tied up in this simply wonderful barefoot bondage scene where she's held in a room, tightly tied with Japanese-style bondage to a chair. Very nice!

The movie overall is a great deal of fun. The director creates a ninja movie in the same style as that of a superhero film, with a good and bad ninja fighting like comic book heroes and villains, and it works very well. It's extremely enjoyable.

FrenchGuy has made a new clip of this scene, which you can see/download it here.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Beyond Rangoon

Based on a true story, Beyond Rangoon stars Patricia Arquette as a young woman who travels to Burma (now known as Myanmar) right when the government was undergoing a coup.

While she's on the run, trying to cross the boarder to safety in Thailand Arquette's character goes barefoot for the better part of the movie.

Beyond Rangoon is one of my favorites, and not just because of the countless BF scenes with Arquette. She gives a great performance in a gripping thriller that uses a real-life historical event as its backdrop.