
Saturday, March 24, 2018

Brigade des Moeurs -- now cleaned up!

Brigade des Moeurs was clip that I posted some time ago, but I recently came across a brighter, cleaner version, thanks to a clipper.

In addition to having some nice bondage with the stripped down damsel, this also has one of the goofiest, over-the-top villains I've ever seen anywhere. You can see/download it here.


  1. It is quite an enjoyable clip. The damsel is really pretty, and this villain makes me think of some Brazilian comedy shows from my childhood in the beginning of the 80s (when we actually had some funny and light-hearted DiD scenes, but unfortunately most of those were not as well kept as the American scenes).

  2. Yeah, I really enjoy this one, too. I'm grateful to be able to see scenes from all over the world, thanks to clippers from other countries.


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