
My Ryta The Jungle Girl Books

I started writing the Ryta The Jungle Girl books back in 2012, and published the very first book in 2013. The books appear here in order to be read, along with links that take you directly to where you can get the book that you wish to read:

Ryta The Jungle Girl: How did Ryta wind up in the vast, forbidden dino-world she now lives in? How did Ryta and Lacey meet? Find out in the very first adventure right here! Get this book here.

Ryta and the Hunt For the Leviathan: How did Ryta and her family get the Leviathan? Find out here! Get this book here.

Ryta The Jungle Girl and the Prey of the Ruthann: How did Ryta and the others meet Dalkesh and the Ruthann? Find out in this book. Get this book here.

Ryta The Jungle Girl and the Terror of Storm Haven: Ryta is introduced to a city on the edge of the world! Get this book here.

Ryta The Jungle Girl and the Cult of Manistee: Ryta and her family run afoul of an evil cult! Get this book here.

Ryta The Jungle Girl and the War with the Amstrad: It's all-out war, and Ryta is ready. Get this book here.

Ryta The Jungle Girl and the Big Bug Horror: Enormous insects threaten Ryta and everyone else! Get this book here.

Ryta The Jungle Girl and the Sky Raiders: Ryta encounters a new threat from above! Get this book here.

Ryta The Jungle Girl and the Gargoyle Terror: Ryta meets the Gargolyes, the power behind the Amstrad. Get this book here.

Ryta The Jungle Girl and the Seige of Storm-Haven: Ryta under seige and twice as deadly! Get this book here.

Ryta The Jungle Girl and the Dino Lords: Ryta meets people with strange powers over the dinosaurs. Get this book here.

Ryta The Jungle Girl and the Revenge of the Amstrad: The Amstrad are back, and deadlier than ever! Get this book here.

Ryta The Jungle Girl and the Shadow Dwellers: Ryta encounters weird shadowy dwellers! Get this book here.

Ryta the Jungle Girl and the Sentinels of Pasha Tem: Ryta and the others meet a deadly new enemy! Get this book here.

Ryta The Jungle Girl and the Deadly Stalkers: Ryta is stalked by unrelenting hunters! Get this book here.

Ryta the Jungle Girl and the Hunters of Pasha Tem: Ryta battles the finest warriors from Pasha Tem through the jungles! Get this book here.

Ryta The Jungle Girl and the Sorcerer: Ryta fights a man with seemingly supernatural powers! Get this book here.

Ryta the Jungle Girl and the Dragons of Kingsland: A new threat is seen flying through the skies above Ryta and her family. How can they deal with it? Get this book here.

Ryta the Jungle Girl and the Horrors of Mirkwood Mansion: Who is Lady Mirkwood and why does she want Ryta and her family all dead? Get this book here.

Ryta the Jungle Girl and The Wrath of Malek: Malek, one of Ryta's greatest and scariest enemies, is dead. Ryta killed him herself. But when Malek returns once more, Ryta has to ask herself her old enemy can ever truly be killed? Get this book here.

My Ryta stories have plenty of bondage, but they're also adventure tales set in exotic locations, loaded with humor and fun. I've wound up creating my own little universe with the Ryta and Lacey tales. If you like high adventure tales of a jungle girl and her friends in a lost land of danger, please join me.


  1. Do u have all ur writings on here?

  2. Yes, all of the stories from my old Knotbuster site, along with the new stuff that I'm writing now, they're all there.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I looked on your link, but I'm having trouble telling which book is the first. Which one is it?

    1. Ryta the Jungle Girl, at the very top of the list, is the very first Ryta book.


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