
Saturday, September 7, 2024

Various & Sundry

Another blast from the past, as it were.

I don't know who these fine young ladies are--only that I downloaded them in the wild and woolly early days of the 'net (back in the mid 1990s).

Back then, the bondage sites were mostly people who made scans of old bondage magazines, and then posted the images online.

I believe there were some sites back then that provided original pictures, like Helpless Heroines. They got more plentiful the closer we moved to the 21st century.

And as the big bondage pay sites took over, these scanned picture sites seemed to go the way of the Dodo Bird.

That's why I'm grateful to have saved a bunch of these downloads. They're also a good measure of how far we've all advanced over the years--at least in how we get our kicks.

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