
Friday, May 17, 2024

Dune Part Two

Dune Part Two is every bit as superb as Part One was, maybe even more so. It's a fantastic and deeply satisfying film in its own right. I'm really looking forward to Part Three, which has been green-lighted. I want more of this amazing universe.

As I mentioned in a previous post, Florence Pugh stars in DP2 as the daughter of Christopher Walken's Emperor. She goes barefoot in this opening scene with him. It might be hard to see in the vidcap from the movie, but you can see her bare foot in this 'cap from a BTS video.

Later in the film, Flo goes barefoot while having a private convo with her father and the Reverend Mother Mohiam (Charlotte Rampling).

Later, we're introduced to na-Baron Feyd-Rautha, marvelously played by Austin Butler, as he's getting ready to fight in the arena. He's got barefoot servant girls helping him to prepare. This is another shot from a BTS video, as we don't see the girls' feet in the movie shot.

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