
Friday, April 12, 2024

My Superhero

I've finished the first draft of my latest book.

Granted, it's the first draft, and there's a lot of editing and re-writing to be done. But as I like to say, the hard part of writing--the creating of something out of nothing--is done.

It's my first superhero novel, featuring a super heroine whom I've created just for this story.

And yep, she goes barefoot--as does most of the citizens in the town that she prowls around in. There's also bondage in it, as well. It's basically my take on a superhero story.

To celebrate the finishing of this first draft, I'm posting one of my favorite BF bondage scenes from a superhero movie: Margo Robbie as Harley Quinn in The Suicide Squad (2021).

I'm planning on having this latest book published in early May, if not sooner. I'll let you know when it's available.

Once the superhero book is fully set up, I'll get started on the next Ryta book. I'm already plotting that one out. In the mean time, you can see this wonderful scene with Margo/Harley right here.

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