
Thursday, February 22, 2024

Ghoulies Go To College

I'm not sure if it was the very first, but Ghoulies Go To College was one of my first downloaded clips. And this was back when we were still using dial-up, and I recall this being a very long download.

I remember Ghoulies Go To College as being an 'OK, not great' film overall, right up until the Ghoulies abduct Erin, wonderfully played here by Eva LaRue (also known as Eva LaRue Callahan).

She's tied down in an upper spread-eagle with her bare feet bound together at the ankles.

She's rescued by her boyfriend, who spends a good portion of the clip battling the Ghoulies all around her. BTW, the villain here is played by veteran actor Kevin McCarthy, who was in the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers, among others.

Also, the clip here isn't the first one that I downloaded many years ago, but a better, more recent copy, and you can see it right here.

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