
Thursday, February 29, 2024

3 Days of a Blind Girl Pt2

Veronica Yip, playing a blind woman who's taken captive in her own home in this Asian thriller, winds up getting tied up in a closet.

She gets out of the closet, and even manages to get out of the bag that she's been tied up in. But she's still bound and gagged.

This is one of my all-time favorite barefoot bondage shots, where Yip manages to open the door to her bedroom with her bound bare feet.

And, as shown here, Yip is gagged this time out.

In search of something sharp, our heroine takes the steps--very carefully, mind you, since she's still bound hand and foot.

Much more to come. Keep it right here.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Pardon Me

Two captives in a very strange house put up with an even stranger interupption. To find out what two of my heroines are dealing with in my latest Poser picture, just look here.

I used a picture from Lipstick here.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

3 Days of a Blind Girl Pt 1

In 3 Days of a Blind Girl, Veronica Yip plays the wife of a doctor.

She's been blinded by an operation, but her blindness isn't expected to last long.

However, while she's blind, Miss Yip suffers a home invasion, where the burglar tied her barefoot to the bed (Yip is barefoot, not the burglar).

And so she's at the mercy of the burglar--at least until the burglar is killed by the guy who's stalking Yip. Our Miss Yip certainly has enough of problems on her plate, doesn't she?

She winds up getting bound and (later) gagged in various positions as 3 Days of a Blind Girl continues onward.

And you'll see them in Parts Two and Three, so keep it right here.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Acapulco H.E.A.T. - Arabesque

This is from a first season episode of Acapulco H.E.A.T. called Arabesque.

Alison Armitage gets captured while snooping around a drug ring. She gets tied to a stretcher, while barefoot, and clad in a nice skimpy summer dress.

She's threatened by the bad guys while tied to the stretcher. She's not gagged so she can exchange some snappy banter with them.

She gets rescued before anything bad can happen.

It's a quick, but pretty nice BF bondage scene, which you can see right here.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Godzilla vs Space Godzilla

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the release of Godzilla Vs Space Godzilla. It's a vastly entertaining film about Godzilla battling an outer space version of himself.

In addition to everything else that's going on, the Japanese mob gets involved when they kidnap Miki Saegusa (Megumi Odaka), who's a psychic.

She's still barefoot, and dressed in her PJs from when the mobsters grabbed her from the tent she was sleeping in.

She gets rescued by members of her G-Force team. But one of the gangsters kicks over her bed, with Miki still tied to it, and uses it--along with her--as a shield.

But Miki uses her psyhic powers to raise the bed just enough so that one of her friends can shoot the legs out from under the gangster.

It's all just a day's work for Miki and G-Force! (Cue triumphant music).

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Fair Game (Mamba)

Trudie Styler stars Eva in Fair Game (also known as Mamba), a thriller from 1988 that takes place entirely within the home of a young woman who works as a sculptor.

Eva, having left her husband, unknowingly becomes ahis target when he sets loose a deadly mamba snake in her home.

Eva, who spends the better part of the movie's running time barefoot and bare-legged, initially has no idea that there's a poisonous snake in her home.

But once she sees the thing slithering around, it becomes a nice cat and mouse chase as Eva tries to avoid the snake while trying to find a way to get out of her locked apartment.

There's no bondage, but Eva going barefoot for the better part of the flick's running time makes this a very nice BF film.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Mighty Peking Man

I recently came across a review of Mighty Peking Man online, in which it stated that the movie was horrible, and was nothing more than a rip off of King Kong.

And, you know what? That's right. I mean, Mighty Peking Man is indeed a rip off of King Kong.

But is it a terrible film? No, I don't think so. It's got some good stuff in it.

The saving grace in this movie--at least for me--is Evelyne Kraft, who stars as a jungle girl who lived with the Mighty Peking Man in the jungles.

She goes barefoot--as well as stay clad in her scant jungle girl outfit--throughout the entire film, even after she and MPM arrive in the "civilized" world.

Suffice it to say, I really enjoyed Mighty Peking Man, and you might, too, if you like BF females. It's also a lot of fun, if you don't take it too seriously. Give it a shot.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Ghoulies Go To College

I'm not sure if it was the very first, but Ghoulies Go To College was one of my first downloaded clips. And this was back when we were still using dial-up, and I recall this being a very long download.

I remember Ghoulies Go To College as being an 'OK, not great' film overall, right up until the Ghoulies abduct Erin, wonderfully played here by Eva LaRue (also known as Eva LaRue Callahan).

She's tied down in an upper spread-eagle with her bare feet bound together at the ankles.

She's rescued by her boyfriend, who spends a good portion of the clip battling the Ghoulies all around her. BTW, the villain here is played by veteran actor Kevin McCarthy, who was in the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers, among others.

Also, the clip here isn't the first one that I downloaded many years ago, but a better, more recent copy, and you can see it right here.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Are You Kidding Me?

In my latest Poser picture, Lisa went for a swim along the beach, and wound up bound and gagged in a secret lab. And you wouldn't believe what was on the table next to her! To find out, just click here.

Note: The picture I used here is from I Spit On Your Grave 2.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Tub Time

Found another video on Youtube that's very nice.

It's a clip from an Asian soap opera. A young barefoot woman in a business suit gets handcuffed in a tub.

Her feet aren't tied, but her cuffed wrists are secured to some plumbing fixtures behind her.

And, as mentioned before, she's barefoot throughout the clip, where she's later rescued after a funny moment. You can see the clip below:

Monday, February 19, 2024

Evil Laugh

Evil Laugh is the 80s slasher flick that poses the question: How badly do you want to see these people get it?

The answer is: pretty badly. You're practically checking your watch in anticipation for the killer to put these morons out of your misery.

The lovely Karyn O'Bryan is stretched out on a bed, tied spread-eagle there for consensual sex by her boyfriend--who promptly leaves her alone (which is never a good idea) to get more whipped cream.

The masked serial killer comes in and says hi to Karyn before running off to hide. The boyfriend comes back with more whipped cream...and, whoopsie!

And the whole time, poor Karyn knew the evil killer was there, but was unable to warn her boyfriend, despite her *VERY* flimsy cleave gag. At least Karyn is barefoot during all of these hijinks, which you can see right here.