
Monday, January 15, 2024

The Hamiltons Pt2

The Hamiltons are a very strange family who live out in the boonies--which is just as well, for them and their nafarious deeds.

The very first scene of the film shows a new victim of theirs, played by Brittany Daniel, who's bound and gagged in a storage ares of their spacious property.

We never get to see how her hands were tied, because she's already struggling to untie her feet.

It's a brief but very intense scene of struggle, and Daniels pulls it off very well.

Evenn after she's untied herself, Daniels is still understandably apprehensive, conveying the feeling that she's still not out of the woods, so to speak.

And I like how she's still got the cleave gag hanging from around her neck as she began her wary escape.

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