
Friday, December 1, 2023

The Brothers Grimm

The Brothers Grimm was a halfway decent fantasy movie that starred Matt Damon, Heath Ledger and Lena Headey in a fictionalized version of the actual Brothers Grimm, from whom we get most of our fairy tales.

Lena Headey is best known as Cersei from Game of Thrones, but here she's just a regular village girl who becomes heroic as the film goes on.

The Grimm brothers are fake monster fighters who go from village to village, conning people out of their money, through their theatrical stagings of them fighting "monsters."

But then the Brothers Grimm run into a village with a real, live, actual monster, which is where Lena lives.

Throughout the film, Lena is bound and gagged in several different ways in several different scenes. She's barefoot in a few of them.

The Brothers Grimm is directed by Terry Gilliam, so it's delightfully weird and has a quirky sense of humor.

If nothing else, the sheer number of ways that Lena is bound in this film really needs to be seen.

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