
Sunday, October 15, 2023

Premature Burial

Released in 1962, Premature Burial starred Ray Milland as a rich nobleman in the 19th century who has a debilitating fear of being buried alive (which was a real problem at the time).

After actually having been buried alive (but having been rescued by grave diggers) Ray comes back for revenge against his wife, played by Hazel Court, whom he knows was involved in the plot.

When captured, Hazel is clad in her sleeping gown and is barefoot.

Bound hand and foot (and tied up all on-screen), Hazel is then thrown into an open casket.

Hazel wakes up right about now. And as you can expect, she's not too pleased with this situation. Who can blame her?

But, no worries, Hazel is saved. Premature Burial was based on an Edgar Allan Poe story. It also stars Alan Napier, who would go on to star in the 1960s Batman TV series as Alfred the butler.

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