
Saturday, September 30, 2023

Cosecho Part 2

In La Siembro, Cosecho y Vendo, actress Irene Arcila, who plays the lover of a crime bigwig, is taken to a sting operation, quite against her will, of course.

Irene's character been brought as bait to this sting operation, so they can capture her lover, but she's having none of this.

So she just takes off right out the window with her hands still cuffed behind her.

She's clad in what looks like sweatpants and a sweatshirt (along with a cap), but she still remains barefoot.

She tries to warn her lover--she's not gagged, after all--but is re-captured by the cops.

I got these vidcaps from a Mexican DVD, and the picture quality was not great. I'm still grateful that I have this, though. The film offers some nice BF bondage.

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