
Saturday, August 19, 2023

Lady Terminator

Lady Terminator was an Indonesian film that was released in 1988. It starred Barbara Anne Constable as a woman possessed by a demon.

Once possessed, she becomes an unstoppable killing machine, sort of like a Terminator, even though no robotics or any other science fiction trappings have anything to do with this.

But how she becomes possessed is detailed in a wonderfully stylish bondage scene.

She's plopped down on a bed, barefoot, and clad in a skimpy black bikini.

She's then tied down to the bed in a spread-eagle position with scarves.

Once she's securely bound, a snake enters her (nothing is really shown, it's implied) which signals that she's been possessed.

All in all, it's a great, long scene. This BF bondage scene is well-worth seeking out the movie itself.

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