
Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Various & Sundry

Some more old scans that I've downloaded from the web a long time ago, in a galaxy far...oh, wait, it was a long time ago, but still in this galaxy. :)

Most of the early bondage sites back then were just collections of scanned pictures from the magazines.

Back in the day, I would see these bondage magazines on the shelves here and there, but I never bought them, because I was too timid to do so.

The cashiers at the book store that I used to go to (and which is long gone, now) would raise a stink whenever somebody else would try to buy anything porn or fetish related (which never made sense to me, because why would you want to scare away paying customers?).

But then the internet came along, and with it came a freedom for people to indulge in whatever interest, or passion, they had--porn, or otherwise.

People bemoan the lost of the brick and mortar bookstore, and while I can certainly sympathize, the upside is that there's a much greater ease for people to get exactly what they want from the internet these days. For example, I was finally able to see these pictures online.

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