
Saturday, May 13, 2023

The Mystique of Mystique

I was watching X-Men: Apocalypse recently, and I noticed that Mystique, played by Jennifer Lawrence, got captured by the bad guys while she was in her full, blue-body-red-hair form.

When she was placed, knocked-out, aboard this helicopter, I had initially thought that Mystique had been strapped down to the stretcher. But this turned out to be not the case.

Although I always liked how, whenever she was in her blue form, Mystique would always be barefoot.

I also liked how Mystique used her feet just as much as her hands--like this scene from X-Men: Days of Future Past, when she's holding a guy against a wall with her foot.

This is one of my favorite Mystique moments from the films.

But Mystique was a bound prisoner in X-Men: The Last Stand. She used her unbound feet to take out a guard when the transport she was riding in crashed.

She then uses her foot to grab the guard's keys so she could free her hands.

Rebecca Romijn played Mystique in the first three X-Men movies, and she was great. Her Mystique seemed even more lethal and scarier.

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