
Thursday, May 18, 2023

Massacre in Dinosaur Valley

Massacre in Dinosaur Valley was shot in Brazil back in 1985, and featured two gorgeous barefoot women in scant outfits throughout the bulk of its run time.

They're constantly on the run from a hostile tribe who want to sacrifice them on the altar.

There's some bondage, including them being caged by the bad guys.

While I would have loved to have seen them tied up in these scant outfits, the way they look in the cages is pretty nice, too.

The only thing that Massacre in Dinosaur Valley doesn't have is...dinosaurs. Despite having 'dinosaurs' in its title, nary a great lilzard show up, here.

But that's OK, the movie more than makes up for the lack of dinos by having its female cast go BF and scantily clad in the jungles.

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