
Monday, March 20, 2023


Serenity was the sequel movie to the cut-down-before-its-time TV series Firefly.

Summer Glau, who played the weirdly powerful River Tam, went barefoot a great deal on the series. And she goes barefoot again in the movie.

There's a nice sequence where she goes BF during a robbery that the Serenity crew pulls in a small town--shortly before they're interuppted by the Reavers.

Later, we see flashback scenes of a BF River wandering through her memories as a child.

And more often than not, when she's hanging out on the ship, River will be barefoot.

There's even a barefoot bondage scene during one of River's flashbacks to her captivity.

It's a very quick scene, with not much detail, but it's there, all the same.

Probably my all-time favorite BF scene from the film is this one, where River is in the process of escaping from captivity. She hides on the ceiling while guards walk by right beneath her.

If you haven't seen Firefly and Serenity, then do yourself a favor and watch them as soon as you can. The series and movie have great BF scenes, but they're also fantastic and imaginative science fiction in their own right.

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