
Monday, February 13, 2023

The Flash

The first trailer for The Flash dropped during the Superbowl, and the movie looks like it might be very good. I have high hopes for it, based on this trailer.

It also stars Sasha Calle as a new version of Supergirl. And I like what I see so far. And she even goes barefoot.

She's broken out of a Cadmus facility, where she had been kept a barefoot prisoner. She's BF throughout this scene in the trailer. They show Calle in her Supergirl outfit later on, and she looks great. I can't wait to see her (along with Michael Keaton as Batman once more) in action.

As much as I enjoy the Marvel films, I was always far more of a DC Comics fan. I'm sorry to say that Black Adam was something of a disappointment for me (although I loved their take on Doctor Fate), and I'm hoping The Flash will be the next truly great DC movie that's in the same league as Superman ('78), The Dark Knight, Man of Steel, and The Batman ('22).

And the less said about the lead actor, the better. If you're uncomfortable about seeing this film because of him, that's fine. I understand perfectly. But consider that hundreds, if not thousands of people have worked their butts off on this movie--both cast and crew--and it would be a shame for all of their hard work to be ignored because of the actions of a single scumbag. Watch the trailer below and make up your own mind:

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