
Sunday, February 5, 2023


Aniara is the name of a giant spaceship that ferries people to Mars from Earth. It's sort of like an ocean liner in space.

To help ease the trip, which takes three weeks, the passengers treat themsevles to MIMA, an AI-run room that provides them with the sensation of being anywhere they chose to be, and it's usually a tranquil place in nature.

It's sort of like the holo-deck in Star Trek, only everything is created within their minds.

They have to lay face down on a soft, foamy floor--and because of this, no shoes are allowed. Everyone inside the MIMA room is barefoot.

They remove their shoes before entering the room.

The majority of these BF scenes take place in the first half of the movie, which gets very dark when the space liner is forced to veer off course and into deep space.

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