
Monday, January 2, 2023

The Wiving (improved)

Somebody recently put up a new clip of The Wiving, from Gunsmoke, a few months back.

This version of the scene is vastly improved from all prior copies that I had of it. With bigger and better images that provides for bigger and picture vidcaps.

The story remains the same. A bunch of cowboys head into town, looking for wives. The major problem is that none of the women whom they select have no say in the matter.

So what follows is a montage of women being dragged out of their beds in the middle of the night, all of whom are barefoot, and clad only in their sleep clothes.

They're dumped in a horse-drawn cart and hauled off, still bound and gagged. Although their feet aren't tied, it's still a great BF bondage scene.

Just the sheer number of women being abducted makes this a memorable scene.

And there's even a coda with this clip, showing the outcome of some of the abductions. You can see this bigger, better clip right here.

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