
Sunday, January 22, 2023

The Perils of Professor Pyg

I wanted to like Batwoman. I really did. But the show just kept stumbling around for all of the three seasons that it aired. The third and final season was actually somewhat halfway decent, with less of the soap opera BS and a little more of the comic book action that I was hoping to see. But--alas--it was too little, too late, as the series was cancelled soon after.

But the third season produced a pretty good episode called A Lesson from Professor Pyg. The villain crashed a private party, which causes Ryan Wilder (Javicia Leslie) to fight him without her Batwoman costume.

She also fights him without her shoes, as well. Having ditched her heels, Ryan goes barefoot for the bulk of this episode.

There are some nice shots of just her bare feet as she reaches up for stuff that's...just...out...of...her...reach.

She even steps up on the bottom shelf to reach for a life-saving device.

All ends well, of course--except for the show getting a fourth season. Hopefully we can get a better version of Batwoman somewhere down the road.

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