
Friday, November 25, 2022

Twister Battle

Today is Black Friday, the infamous shopping day right after Thanksgiving, where people press themsevles like sardines in a can into shopping malls, looking for that great deal.

And the sight of these hot young, scantily clad and barefoot women, all pressed together in this game of Twister, is symbolic of the crushing, semi-naked desire of the Black Friday shopper in this oppressive, consumer-driven era of ours.

And furthermore, if we are to survive as a....oh, you're not really buying any of this bullshit I'm slinging, here, are you? Yeah, I thought so. Never mind. Just enjoy this wonderful BF video that I've found.

But if you should find yourself in the crush ("Gimme dat TV, motherfuka!") of Black Friday today, then maybe memories of this video will help get you through some tight spots (you might want to save it on your phone, just to replay it when needed). Happy Hunting! The video can be seen below:

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