
Saturday, November 5, 2022


Hannah Herzsprung stars in one of my all-time favorite post-apocalyptic movies, called Hell. The sun becames unstable, making all life on earth hotter than..well, you know what.

As if that wasn't bad enough, Hannah and her friends--who endure a daily struggle to survive in a sun-blasted world with dwindling resources--also must deal with a family of cannibals.

That's what's happening now, with Hannah finding herself a bound and gagged captive of these cannibals.

Suffering a panic attack when she discovers that the meat she's being served ain't chicken, Hannah winds up bound hand and foot with zip ties and gagged with a strip of cloth.

She's barefoot, clad only in black panties and a camisole tank top.

It's one of my favorite scenes, and it's from one of my favorite movies, overall, as well.

Thankfully, Hannah's character survives this ordeal.

But, since she's living through an apocalypse where most of the human race is already wiped out, one can help but wonder how good are her odds. This is truly Hell. You can see this clip right here.

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