
Saturday, September 3, 2022

Furia Asesina

It's Labor Day Weekend here in the US, which also marks the unofficial end of summer (we still have about two more weeks of summer until the soltice).

And what better way to see summer out (at least on this wacky site) than a barefoot, bikini-clad dasmel in bondage!

The damsel is Leticia Lozoya, from the 1990 Mexican action film Furia Asesina. She gets kidnapped by the bad guys and tied up like this aboard the wreck of a ship that's beached.

I love her strapless bikini top, as well as the glistening sweat on her bare skin.

She gets rescued. If you already have downloaded this from me, you might want to do so again, because this clip by M Johns is very high quality compared to what I had up on here in the past. You can see this clip right here.

And may you have a Happy and Relaxing Labor Day Weekend. And for those of you outside of the US, I hope you have a great weekend.

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