
Thursday, September 22, 2022

B.L. Stryker

Burt Reynolds starred as a Private Eye who lived aboard a houseboat in the short-lived series B.L. Stryker.

In the very first episode, The Dancer's Touch, finds a creep attacking women in their beds and tying them up while they're nude.

The two victims are played by Kimberly-Anne Sullivan and Anastasia Barzee, respectively. And while not much is shown beyond their gagged faces, with just the hint that they're nude, these scenes are surprisingly sultry and hot. The baddie pours oil on their skin and massages them.

Another nice thing about this is that neither woman is raped nor killed--which is not to make light of their ordeal, but I always prefer it when the damsel survives her predictament. You can see the clip right here.

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