
Thursday, August 18, 2022

The Northman

I recently saw The Northman, and really liked it very much. This was an epic adventure about a viking prince seeking revenge for his slain father (plus the fact that he was driven from his kingdom as a boy under threat of death).

The bad guys, feeling the heat from our hero, think they're under attack from demons (it's the 10th century, after all). So they prepare a human sacrifice, with this poor maiden chosen to be the sacrificial lamb.

Barefoot, and trussed up to the point of being hog-tied, she's also gagged and blindfolded to boot. Although brief, this scene was still a pleasant surprise in a movie that I already enjoyed a great deal.

And what's even better is that the Northman, being the ultimate badass that he is, even saves this girl from a horrible death.

And, as if that wasn't enough, the always great Anya Taylor-Joy also stars in the film as a fellow slave of the Northman.

She goes barefoot in several scenes, including this one. The Northman is certainly very highly recommended for just being a great movie, overall. Go see it.

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