
Sunday, May 8, 2022

Eaten Alive

Actress Marilyn Burns is perhaps best known for her lead role in the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but she also later starred in another movie for Tobe Hooper, the director of TCM.

It was called Eaten Alive, and Burns pretty much spends the entire film tied barefoot to a bed.

She's tied down to a bed in an upper spread-eagle, her bare feet tied crossed over each other and to the footpost railing.

And she's struggling like a loon, her efforts to break free giving the mattress and bedframe a real workout.

And she's doing this for a very good reason: her young daughter is being menaced by the film's villain, Neville Brand (the kid survives without a scratch, as does Burns).

It's funny, when I first saw TCM, I wished the women in that film had received a BF bondage scene. They were already scantily dressed for the hot Texas summer.

I had to wait until another film, but here's a barefoot Burns, wiggling in her bonds. And, on that note, I'd just like to wish everybody A Very Happy Mothers Day!

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