
Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Wolf Creek

Cassandra Magrath stars in Wolf Creek, a nerve-wracking horror movie from Australia about three tourists who fall prey to a serial killer in the Outback.

They go to sleep at his place one night--not knowing that he had secretly drugged all of them. We next see Magrath waking up to find herself bound hand and foot with plastic ties, and gagged with a piece of cloth.

While she's able to remove the gag from her mouth, Magrath is unable to free herself of the plastic ties.

Magrath is also barefoot the entire time of her captivity.

Kestie Morassi also has a bondage scene, but she's all bloody and is being tortured the whole time.

Magrath eventually makes her escape. But be warned: Wolf Creek is a very dark, dire and bloody horror flick that's not for the faint of heart.

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