
Tuesday, March 22, 2022


Urinetown: The Musical first made its debut Off-Broadway in 2001. It's a satire about a town where people have to pay in order to pee.

If people disobey the law, they are sent to Urinetown, a terrible place even on the best of days.

In retaliation, the poor people of Urinetown kidnap Hope Caldwell, the beautiful daughter of the owner of the evil corporation that runs everything.

Hope is tied to a chair at one point in the play. But in this production, the actress playing Hope is also barefoot. She goes barefoot throughout the show, including when she's tied.

I haven't seen this show, but in all of the photos and videos of it, Hope is always wearing shoes. These pictures are from the only production I know of where she goes BF. I think actresses going BF in theater productions is a trend that really should continue. :)

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