
Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Home Invasion

I got bowled over with a stomach virus recently (Fun! Fun! Fun!), and I came away from the event with a very important life lesson: Any day you're not puking your guts out is a VERY GOOD DAY! Do you think you're having a bad day? Then ask yourself, "Am I puking?" If not, then it's a VERY GOOD DAY!

In any event, I'm feeling better (thank God!) and here's the latest clip. It's an Asian production where a woman suffers through a home invasion.

She gets something (mace?) sprayed into her eyes, and is instantly bound and gagged by the villain, who's a another woman.

The damsel, who's IDed in the clip's name as Intan Ladyana, is barefoot throughout her ordeal. You can see this clip right here.

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