
Tuesday, December 14, 2021

The Darkest Hour

It's hard to believe it, but The Darkest Hour was released ten years ago this month (on Christmas Day here in the States).

The Darkest Hour was a fun science fiction thriller about an uncommon alien invasion by energy creatures deep in the heart of Moscow, Russia.

The alien attack takes place all over the world, but we see it in Moscow through the eyes of American tourists.

And, at one point in the film, one of the women, played by Olivia Thirlby (who co-starred with Karl Urban in the fantastic Dredd back in 2012) goes barefoot for a good long while.

She was nightclubbing in heels with her friend when the aliens invaded (such BAD timing on the aliens' part), and her heels became a problem for when she had to run for her life, so she took them off.

And so we're given some nice scenes of Olivia running barefooted through the steets of Moscow.

When they wind up in an emptied department store, Olivia eventually gets herself some sensible boots--but she's barefoot for a good portion of the film's running time. The Darkest Hour is also recommended for being an enjoyable SF flick overall.

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