
Sunday, November 28, 2021


The Great American Snuff Film was a really really really low budget film about a couple of women who are taken hostage by baddies and kept in a broken down house trailer.

They are both kept bound hand and foot and gagged. Both women are barefoot throughout the film.

The actresses' names are Melinda Lorenz and Holi Tavernier, and they both deserve combat pay--or at least stunt woman pay--for their efforts to make this movie.

The movie, as a film, is a mess. There's no real story to speak of, just long scenes of the ladies being put through humiliating situations on top of their bondage.

The women are also very bloody, which makes these proceedings even harder to watch for me. I love bondage, but not torture, and neither overly sadistic stuff like this.

But, despite the complaints, there are some nice scenes here.

And, as I mentioned earlier, the women playing these parts are real troupers.

But since this is supposed to be a snuff film, the ultimate bummer is that neither of these characters survive the film. *sigh* Still, some nice BF scenes, though.

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