
Sunday, October 3, 2021


Sinister is a super scary--and downright creepy--horror movie that was released back in 2012. Directed by Scott Derrickson, who would later go on to direct the equally good Doctor Strange, Sinister deals with a family-killing demon.

The families are killed in a sacrifical manner, meaning they are tied up until just the right time. This family were hanging out by their pool when they were drugged, then tied to the lawn furniture.

They're sacrificed by being pulled one by one into the pool, where the weighted-down chairs they are tied to drowns them. Ugh.

And then there's the lawn mower scene. Oboy, the lawn mower scene....

Don't know if the young actress here is actually barefoot while tied (it appears she might be), but when I first saw this, I stopped caring about that once the lawn mower slammed right into her face. Yeesh!

At the end, the protagonist's wife and son are captured by the demon. To say anything more about this scene would spoil the movie for those who haven't seen it. While the bondage in Sinister is very cruddy and shaky looking (as a result of these scenes being shot on Super-8 film), the movie overall is highly recommended.

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