
Saturday, October 23, 2021

Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning

Ginger Snaps Back is the third and final in a series of films where teenage girls become werewolves.

Taking place in the Canadian wilderness in the early 1800s, two teenage sisters take refuge at a fort from the severe winter cold. However, they did not count on the fort already suffering a constant attack by legions of werewolves that roam the woods.

One of the girls, played by Katherine Isabell, is taken captive by the fort's chaplin, who suspects that she's a werewolf.

This results in her being bound and gagged to a table. It's a short (and dark) scene, but one that's very nice for the simple fact that her bound bare feet are in full view.

There's also a lot of nice struggling from Isabell, who's clad in just her night gown (she was abducted right from her bed).

Isobell went onto a nice acting career, starring in the Netflix supernatural series The Order, as well as Hannibal, and more recently in the TV movie The Long Island Serial Killer: A Mother's Hunt for Justice.

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